11/2017 | Cold War Exhibition, Wende Museum Culver City, Los Angeles, USA
Invited to exhibit our project “Incomplete landscape”

07-08/2017 | Noorderlicht Photo Festival, Groningen/Leeuwarden
Invited to exhibit my project “Treasure of the bee” within ‘Bees and Trees’ at Nature Museum

03/2017 | Josilda da Conceição Gallery, Amsterdam
Donated work at Nasty Woman Art Exhibition.

11/2016 | PASA Photo Festival, Suwon, South Korea
Invited to exhibit my project “A LLOT” at the festival.

17/05/2016 – 31/07/2016 | AMC, Amsterdam [NL]
Invited to exhibit our project “Sweet coincidence” at the ground floor of Amsterdam Medical Center AMC.

29/12/2015 – 03/01/2016 | THISARTFAIR, Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam [NL]
Proudly presenting my project “Heal me- hurt me” at booth no. 47 (Graanbeurszaal).

02/09/2015 | Extract from the Passauer Zeitung about the show ‘The painters eye in photography’:
(…) Noch viel weiter in die Vergangenheit der Kunstgeschichte gleitet Nina Kopp und spielt mit den alten Meistern Zukunftsmusik. Die Amsterdamerin irritiert mit Stillleben, denen etwas fehlt- das Obst, die Kerze, das Gemüse. Schmerzhaft scheint die Leere eines Lebens auf, aus dem die Bienen verschwunden sind. Kopp entwirft ein gesellschaftskritisches Horrorszenario des 21. Jahrhunderts, gebettet in die Mystik des Goldenen Zeitalters. Bizarre Schönheit strahlt die Welt von oben aus, obwohl sie kränkelt. (…)


09/08 – 04/10/2015 | Haus der Fotografie, Dr. Robert-Gerlich-Museum, Burghausen [GER]
Group show ‘The painters eye in photography’
Artists included Carla van de Puttelaar, Martin Klimas, Bernhard Edmaier, Gabi Blum, Marian Luft, Katrin Korfmann, Hiroyuki Masuyama and Minyoung Paik

27/05 – 31/05/2015 | Amsterdam [NL]
See part of my project Heal me- hurt me on Kunst RAI Amsterdam at Gallery Lokaal WV15

18/01/2015 | Amsterdam [NL]
Short film made from my exhibition A LLOT by veentekstinbeeld.nl
See and enjoy!

15/01/2015 | Amsterdam [NL]
Watch the latest portfolio booklet on ISSUU

10/01/2015 | Leipzig [GER]
A LLOT shown at Halle 11, Spinnerei during ‘Winterrundgang’ 2015


27/12/2014 – 30/12/2014 | Artfair ArtinRedlight, Amsterdam [NL]
Group show with my project Treasure of the bee

12/12/2014 – 15/01/2015 | Cloud Art & Coffee, Amsterdam [NL]
Group show with my project Treasure of the bee

22/11 – 7/12/ 2014 | Gallery Lokaal WV15, Amsterdam [NL]
Solo show with my latest project A LLOT


23/07/2014 | Leipzig [GER]
Final presentation of my new project in Leipzig- if you are in the neighborhood you are welcome!


05/05 2014 | Leipzig [GER]
Want to follow the growth of my new project A LLOT ? Check:


03 – 04/05/2014 | Leipzig [GER]
Showing work at Open studio, Halle 14, Spinnerei during ‘Fruehjahrsrundgang’ 2014


25/04/2014 | Darmstadt [GER]
Project “Treasure of the bee” wins 2nd prize at Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2014


25th – 27th April 2014 | Darmstadt [GER]
Project “Treasure of the bee” shown at Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2014, Museum Kuenstlerkolonie


February till April 2014 | Amsterdam [NL]
Project “Sweet coincidence” shown and sold at Frozen Fountain.


1st January 2014 | Darmstadt [GER]
Project “Treasure of the bee” is nominated for the Merck- Price in the context of the Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie 2014


28th December 2013 | Alkmaar [NL]
Art robbery of two peaces of our exhibition “Sweet coincidence” from MCA hospital Alkmaar.


Coming up: 12th February till 20th April 2014 | Tallinn [EE]
Exhibition “Incomplete landscape” shown at the Museum of Occupation with Studio Berg.


10th -24th December 2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
Exhibition Kick-off project Made in West – shown at Beheerkantoor Stadsdeel Amsterdam West.


December 2013 | Leipzig [GER]
First steps organized for AIR period next year in the Spinnerei in Leipzig.

Working on a project over allotment gardens.


December 2013 till January 2014 | Alkmaar [NL]
Exhibition “Sweet coincidence” – a photo-/ installation project shown at Medisch Centrum Alkmaar (‘kunst als medicijn’) in cooperation with Studio Berg.


21st November 2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
Book NEW 2014 with 100 photography talents published- One of them I am


16th September- end of October | Amsterdam [NL]
Selection of exhibition “Sweet coincidence” – a photo-/ installation project shown at Da Vinci creatieve ruimtes


04th September 2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
Book NEW 2014 with 100 photography talents will be published end of November 2013


13-06-2013 | Loenen aan de Vecht [NL]
“Treasure of the bee” shown during event MiaP foundation


02-04 till 15-05-2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
Exhibition “Sweet coincidence” – a photo-/ installation project shown at Shell Technology Center in cooperation with Studio Berg.


10-03-2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
Benefit sale for KIKA: buy one or two prints of “Sweet coincidence” via Fotolab Kiekie


01-03-2013 | Amsterdam [NL]
“Sweet coincidence” shown during event/exhibiton Kiekie, 6pm till 10 pm at DEC 70, Damrak 70


30th October 2012:
Interview in Inspiratiekrant

26th October 2012:
‘Incomplete landscape’ as a travelling exposition through Latvia has reached the next location:
From 26th October till 15th November it will be shown at cultural center, Pavilosta


11th October 2012:
Cahier ‘Over de Grens’ is published by Blauwdruk i.c.w. Architectuurcentrum Makeblijde | aMb & NVTL- including an article about our research project ‘Incomplete landscape’


10th October 2012:
‘Incomplete landscape’ as a travelling exposition through Latvia has reached the next location:
From 08th till 25th October it will be shown at rehabilitation centre Vaivari, Jurmula


14-09 till 30-09-2012 | Amsterdam [NL]
Exhibition “Sweet coincidence” – a photo-/ installation project shown at Kunstkerk in cooperation with Studio Berg.

exposition open   



fr 14/09/2012 4- 7pm
sa 15/09 and su 16/09/2012 12am- 6pm
fr 21/09 – su 23/09/2012 12am- 6pm
fr 28/09 – su 30/09/2012 12am- 6pm
su 30/09/2012 with special event at 4pm

location De Kunstkerk
Prinseneiland 89
1013 LM Amsterdam


03th September 2012:
‘Incomplete landscape’ is getting a travelling exposition through Latvia with the support of the German Embassy, Riga.
Next location will be Mērsrags, where it is shown from 10th September till 07th October 2012 on.
From 08th till 25th October it will be shown in Jurmula.
From 26th October till November it will be shown in Pavilosta.


12-07 till 08-09-2012 | Riga [LV]
Exhibition at Latvian museum of architecture ‘Three brothers’ about the research project “Incomplete Landscape” in cooperation with Studio Berg.


June 2012:
Lancering new name and new website